Monthly Archives: February 2020

Newsletter – February 25, 2020 – Winter Share

Winter share members: thank you so much for supporting the farm this
winter!  We truly appreciate and value each one of you as an integral part
of what we do.

This last winter share, you will be getting: Yukon Gold potatoes, carrots,
parsnips, celery root, yellow onions, red onions, garlic, and sweet

We hope the Winter CSA satisfied your cravings for real, local, organic

If you plan to get a summer CSA share with us, do so soon. We’re filling
up fast!

We’re already looking forward to asparagus season…

Many thanks,
The Monroes

Email – Action Required!

NOTE: This blog is posted by a volunteer. No one from the farm checks or responds to messages here. You must contact the farm directly with any questions, comments, etc.

Farm members (and prospective members) – please add Jacqui ( to your ‘safe senders’ list! Alternatively, if you see an email from her in your spam folder, please move it back to your inbox. It has been determined that Google has been classifying her emails as spam and that they are not getting through to members. Thank you!

Newsletter – February 11, 2020 – Winter Share

This will be our second to last Winter CSA distribution.  Our last Winter
distribution will be on February 26th.  Please make sure you bring back
all of your CSA bags to your distribution center this week!!!

This week you will be getting: sweet potatoes, Yukon Gold potatoes,
carrots, red beets, kohlrabi, celery root, red cabbage, garlic, red
onions, yellow onions, leeks, Anasazi beans, and white heirloom popcorn!

A note about the cabbage: as we’re sure you’ve noticed, our cabbage was
very small this year.  It’s a part of farming and eating locally that we
have to accept bad years with certain vegetables. This past season, we
were lucky to get the cabbage that we got even though it was tiny!

Thank you for supporting us, we truly appreciate all of you!

The Monroes