Monthly Archives: October 2021

Newsletter – Oct 31, 2021

NOTE: This blog is posted by a volunteer. No one from the farm checks or responds to messages here. You must contact the farm directly with any questions, comments, etc

Dear Winter Members,

This week you are getting delicata & acorn squash, Yukon Gold potatoes, leeks, red beets, carrots, parsnips, yellow onions, garlic, turnips, cabbage, bell peppers, popcorn, tomatoes, and bag of lettuce.

Through experimentation and experience (Jerry always tells me he has yesterdays’ experience) he plans on giving you the majority of the sweet potatoes, winter squash and greens by the end of December. He is afraid it will not store or grow into January or February. So please enjoy while we have it! And if we can keep any of it into the later months, we will try. But storing produce the ‘a la natural way’ does not allow for flexibility. We do not spray growth prohibitors, waxes or other chemicals on our produce while it is in storage. Therefore, it will start to get soft, break down and go bad. Sorting will be a huge part of our job in the coming months.

There are eight deliveries (9 bags) over a four-month period. The delivery schedule for the first half of winter is as follows: November 3rd, November 17th, December 1st and December 15th. We will then take four weeks off and return delivering produce for the second half of winter as follows: January 12th, January 26th, February 9th and February 23rd.

December 17th is unique in the fact that you will be getting two bags of produce to get you through the app. four weeks we are off. If you are splitting the Share, both of you will need to pick up this day. Then split the very last day of distribution in half so both of you go home with produce.

If you need to make any changes to your share, please notify me Thursday the week before distribution.

Distribution Center (DC) Info: Show your distribution centers the respect they deserve! They’re members of the farm too, volunteering their time and homes. Please respect their hours. Keep information about your DC either in your phone or by your home phone. Call them if there is a problem getting to the DC location during normal hours or you need to make arrangements to hold your produce or pick up later. If you need to cancel your share completely or for the week, call me at the above number or send me an email at

Payment Schedule: For those of you who chose to make monthly payments; please make sure your payments are received by the 1st of each month. Those of you who chose to make payments in thirds; your second payment is due November 15th.

Newsletter/Bags: We use these bags over and over, so it is important you return them every week. Newsletters will not go out with every delivery, not much to say. Besides, I send out monthly newsletters to the entire membership. A list of produce will be on the blog each time, so check it out!

Garlic Party & Winter Share Info

NOTE: This blog is posted by a volunteer. No one from the farm checks or responds to messages here. You must contact the farm directly with any questions, comments, etc

Garlic Separating Party this Saturday at the farm from 8am-noon!  Come hang with Jerry!

Winter Share is full!!!
 If your form has already been put into the mail we will accept it but please don’t quickly fill out a form and send it in upon reading this.  Online signup has been shut down.  This happened quickly, apologies for any misinformation or inconvenience.  

Winter Share Delivery Schedule:
Our first winter share distribution is November 3rd.  Then we’ll deliver on November 17th, December 1st, December 15th, then we take a break and resume delivery on January 12th.  We deliver on January 26th, February 9th, and our final delivery is February 23rd.

Newsletter – Oct 11, 2021

NOTE: This blog is posted by a volunteer. No one from the farm checks or responds to messages here. You must contact the farm directly with any questions, comments, etc

Dear Friends of the Farm,

This is our last week of distribution for the 2021 season. You are getting purple potatoes, onions, beets, turnips, cauliflower, bell peppers, poblano chiles, green beans, celery, and tomatoes.

Surveys: Please send in your surveys! We read each one and adjust our CSA accordingly. Thank you for your input.

Beef: If anyone is interested in buying a quarter beef, we have one available to fill your freezer for the winter and beyond. Please call the office at your earliest convenience to reserve that!

Work days: We were blown away by the amount of people who showed up to help us these past two Sundays. Thank you all from the bottom of our hearts. You literally saved us weeks of field work. Please know how deeply grateful we are for each one of you!

Garlic Party This Saturday: We will be having a garlic separating party this Saturday, October 16th from 8am-noon. It’s easy work and an awesome last chance to rub some soil into your palms and give thanks for a delicious season. This is also a rare opportunity to hang out with Jerry Monroe. He’s a wealth of information. We have been saving our garlic for many years to plant again for the next season. We have loved watching it adapt to our soil more and more each year. Please join us!

Fruit Shares: We were so pleased to be able to distribute 80 pounds (out of the average 85 pounds) of fruit to each of our fruit share members this season. First Fruits is grateful for your support amidst such a challenging year.

South Boulder Winter Distribution Center: Oops! We somehow lost your information! Please contact us and let us know all your contact details and address etc.

Ellsworth & Logan, Summer DC: This location will no longer be a distribution center for next Summer. Everyone that has picked up here will pick up and 6th & Race.

Well, friends and farmly we’ve reached the end of summer CSA. We couldn’t do this farming thing with out you. Much appreciation and gratitude to each of you, our cherished members! Blessings to you and yours as we slip on our wooly socks and hopefully enjoy a fireside moment or two this winter season.

Much love to all of you,

Kyle, Sam, Jerry, Jacquie, Delilah, and Fudge

Winter Share DC Update

NOTE: This blog is posted by a volunteer. No one from the farm checks or responds to messages here. You must contact the farm directly with any questions, comments, etc

The DC located at Ellsworth and Logan cannot serve as a DC after all.  The Monroes are not going to try and find a new site now.  Everyone that would have gone to that location will now be relocated to 6th and Race. Please call the farm with any questions. Thank you!

Newsletter – Oct 6, 2021

NOTE: This blog is posted by a volunteer. No one from the farm checks or responds to messages here. You must contact the farm directly with any questions, comments, etc

Dear Friends of the farm,

Week 17 out of 18: This week you will be getting Swiss chard, Yukon Gold potatoes, carrots, turnips, eggplant, broccoli, bell & anaheim peppers and tomatoes.

Your produce will be in plastic bags for the last two weeks of the season. We do this so that we can get all our mesh bags back by the end of the year. We do not want these bags back. Do not be surprised if your DC really gets after you about returning your bags. We need to take inventory and order additional bags if necessary!

Fruit: This is the last delivery for the year. You will be getting Empire apples from First Fruit. These apples are a great large red eating apple. They also make a wonderful apple pie!

Honey and Oil: The final orders for honey and oil will be delivered this week.

Farm Workday: Wow! What a great turnout. We had 30 membership households come out to the farm and approximately 50 people. We were able to harvest 120 trays of beets and 31 trays of carrots. This put a nice dent in the winter crops we need to harvest! Thank you to one and all who made the time to help us. We appreciate you more than you can imagine.

Next Sunday, 10-10, will be our second workday. We have decided to only work in the morning. We will have two starting times: 8am and again at 10am. Please let your DC know if you are able to spend a part of your day with us. As my grandmother used to say: “Many hands make light work!” So please join us. Last minute arrivals are welcome.

Garlic Separating: It is that time of year to prep the garlic for planting. As most of you know, this is a wonderful time to connect with other members, the farm and work as a group toward a common goal of separating the garlic cloves. We always have garlic that is unfit for planting and you will be able to take that home with you. (Bring a bag!)

We will do this Saturday the Oct. 16th from 8am until 12pm. This is something a lot of members look forward to because of the comradery. Join us. It is a lot of fun and you will make a huge impact on the work that needs to be accomplished so we can get next years’ garlic in the ground!

Survey: As we transition the farm operation to Kyle and Sam, some changes will have to occur to make it their own and more functional for them. The survey we are sending out needs to be filled out by as many members who want an input in their CSA. We need your thoughts, feelings and general expectations. We may need to not only reduce how many shares we offer, but how many varieties we offer. Tell us in your own words what you liked & did not like about the share you received! Write a letter if you do not want to fill out the survey. What can you absolutely not live without; what can go by the wayside? Manilla envelopes will be provided at each DC so you can remain anonymous and hopefully be returned full of surveys and letters next week. Thank you for taking the time to fill out this survey for us.

Sausage & Potato Surprise

2# jalapeno cheese bratz, sliced diagonally              

4 lg potatoes cut into 2” wedges                               

2 bell peppers, cut into 1” cubes                               

1 onion, sliced & quartered                                       

lg bunch of hardy greens, chopped                           

Boil potatoes until half cooked with chopped garlic, salt, pepper, pinch thyme, tsp oregano & Tbsp parsley.  Drain. Fry brats until done but not browned.  Add taters, onions and peppers.  Cook until slightly browned.  Add spinach, Swiss chard or kale.  Serve when wilted.

Sam, Kyle, Jacquie, and Jerry