Monthly Archives: February 2023

Final Winter Newsletter & Farm Update

NOTE: This blog is posted by a volunteer. No one from the farm checks or responds to messages here. You must contact the farm directly with any questions, comments, etc. Please also note that it is not possible to only receive summer share newsletters.

Hello to all our Farm Friends!

Website:  The website is up and available to receive orders at We have updated most of the information, with just a little tweaking left to do.  

HONEY – We do have a new Honey vendor, Izzy’s Honey out of the Greeley area. They are offering all the same prices that we had last year. The only exception is that they do not offer 1/2 gallon sizes. If you have ordered that size, please reach out to Linda by phone to discuss your options. The office number is 970-284-7941 and office hours are 7am to 4pm.  

A little more about IZZY’S HONEY ~ David’s relationship with bees started when he was a young. He was a curious boy often dreaming about bees & their lives. He has been working with bees since he was 19 and it has spanned more than half of his life. During the pandemic, he started removing hives from peoples’ homes and gradually acquired several hives. He was able to sell the honey they produced at local farmers markets. Currently in his fourth year, he never expected to be a commercial beekeeper. Izzy’s Honey is located in the Greeley area. He has hives from Brighton to the Colorado/Wyoming border.

Mushrooms ~ New and exciting this year! After a trial last summer, we are offering mushrooms this year as an add-on. The mushrooms are available in 1/2 pound packages/bags at $8.25. They are available weekly (18 deliveries, total of 9 pounds for the season) or biweekly (9 deliveries, total of 4 1/2 pounds for the season). The total price for biweekly deliveries is $74.25 and $148.50 for weekly. These mushrooms are not the common kind as you would see in the grocery stores. As with all CSA items, you are not able to choose what kind of mushrooms you would like. They will deliver the variety they have harvested that week.  Check out their website at for more information on their varieties.  

More about Boulder Mushroom ~ Boulder Mushroom is a farm (and the center for all things fungi) located in Boulder, Colorado. They cultivate a wide variety of high quality culinary mushrooms for customers across the Front Range. Their mushrooms are recognized for their great flavor, texture and beauty.  They prioritize sustainability in their business and are commited to serving the community with superior, local food grown with natural ingredients. Varieties you could see are Oyster Mushroom (blue, black, white, pink, golden and trumpet), Lion’s Mane, Shitake, Chestnut and Piopinno. Varieties will change throughout the season. If you would like to add mushrooms please contact the office by either email to or give the office a call.  

Newsletters:   We will be mailing out February newsletters to everyone. Included in the envelopes will be another signup form with a declaration. If you have already sent your order in, you may give this extra one to a friend or co-worker.  The first page we send in the envelope is a statement. We use these statements so your name and address show in the window part.  (sure is faster than to hand write each individual name and address on every envelope.) If you have a $0 balance, or a payment that you sent does not show up on the statement, please disregard the statement. Payments are not necessarily processed when your order is processed.  

Signups:  We are still taking and processing orders for the coming summer distribution. We are almost to the maximum of egg orders we can take. If you would like to order eggs either weekly, biweekly or monthly, please let us know as soon as you can so we can put you on the list.  

Winter Distribution:  This week is the last week for winter distribution. Thank you to all of you that signed up! We hope you have enjoyed all the goodies! This week you will be getting potatoes, beets, leeks, daikon radishes, all 3 colors of onions, garlic, beans and popcorn.

Please if you ever have any questions, concerns or suggestions, let us know. As always, we are extremely grateful for each and everyone of you! Wishing you all a great rest of the month!

The Monroes and crew 

Newsletter – February 7, 2023

NOTE: This blog is posted by a volunteer. No one from the farm checks or responds to messages here. You must contact the farm directly with any questions, comments, etc. Please also note that it is not possible to only receive summer share newsletters.

This week is #7 of 8 distributions for the winter season.  You should be gettting Yukon potatoes, beets, celery root, leeks, green and red cabbage, red, white and yellow onions, garlic, black beans and blue popcorn.  

Honey:   We do have a honey vendor.  We are able to keep the same prices that we had last year for the same sizes.  There is one exception though – due to the supply chain, we are not able to offer the half gallon size. For those of you that have already ordered the half gallon size, Linda will be contacting you on what you would like to do. You could change that to 2 Quarts which equals a half gallon. The price would be equal to paying for 2 quarts. Each quart is $17 where we were hoping to offer the half gallon size for $31. You may contact the office if you like or wait for Linda to contact you.  

Eggs: As mentioned in the last newsletter, eggs will be $7.50 per dozen instead of $7.00 per dozen. We were notified by Croft Family Farm of the price increase after the signup forms were printed and mailed out.  

Payments & Deposits: Deposits are due at your signup time. Payments are highly encouraged throughout the spring. Your total balance is due before September 1st for any produce shares or any extras. This does not include the fees for Winter Shares or any meat you purchase.

Animals: The fee you pay us for an animal is for us to raise that animal and transport it to Valley Packing in LaSalle when it is ready for processing. Valley Packing does have their own processing fee on top of what you pay us to raise that animal. Their fees are based on the weight of the animal and how it is processed.  (Just a reminder)

Website: We do not have the website open to take orders yet. We are behind on having that up and running. We are still updating different things on there. If you or you know of someone who is trying to sign up, please have them email the office or call. We can email or mail out a signup form. We hope to have the website up and open by Monday of next week.

We are all busy here on the farm with planning, lining things up, preparing for spring and office work. We hope you all are doing well!

Take care!

The Monroes and crew