Monthly Archives: August 2013

Things To Do With Zucchini – Salsa Verde

photo (4)I just purchased the new Bon Appetit cookbook ‘The Grilling Book’ after paging through it at a friend’s house and knowing I wanted to cook nearly all of the recipes that I read. It’s a book that delivers! Broken down by protein (along with ‘vegetables’, ‘sides’, ‘drinks’ and more), it has a huge variety of recipes and techniques that can make your outdoor cooking even better. Continue reading

Newsletter – August 26, 2013


Dear Members,

This is week 11 of an 18 week season. You could find in your bags Yukon Gold potatoes, yellow cooking onions (not the sweet Walla Walla’s), carrots, squash, regular cucumbers, lemon cucumbers, Globe eggplant, bell peppers, red, yellow, & Black Velvet tomatoes, basil and corn. Continue reading

Newsletter – August 19, 2013


We don’t have a full newsletter this week – we want everyone to pick up a paper copy at your distribution centers as they have the winter share sign up form within them. Here’s a crop listing to whet your appetite, but please get a copy when you pick up your veggies! Continue reading

Quinoa and Black Bean ‘Salad’

photo (2)I was recently intimidated by the number of bell peppers in my home garden. I hate to waste fresh vegetables, so appealed for help on the Monroe Facebook Page. I got lots of helpful suggestions, including a recipe from Vegetarian Times for Quinoa Stuffed Bell Peppers. Well, the ‘stuffing’ was so good, I decided it could stand on its own. I tweaked it a bit to suit what I had on hand that day (always good to use more veggies!). Here’s what I came up with. Continue reading

Newsletter – August 12, 2013

Dear Friends,

This week you are getting red potatoes, red onions, Golden Beets, summer squash, cucumbers, Lemon Cucumbers, broccoli, green bell peppers, green beans, tomatoes, orange honeydew, muskmelon and both Moon & Stars and Charleston Gray watermelon. Peaches next week! Continue reading

CSA Weekly distributionAre you ever stumped by what to do with all of the produce in your weekly share? Or do you struggle with how to throw things together to make dinner on a busy weeknight?

I’ve teamed up with Tentiko, a Denver based organization who puts together fun experiential events, to offer a special cooking class. Participants will bring their produce from their weekly share and together we will create and cook a meal with fresh-picked, local produce. The class will be on Tuesday, 9/10, from 4-6 in the evening, and will be held in my gourmet kitchen.

We’ll pool all our produce and brainstorm a delicious dinner showcasing our shared ingredients, and I will provide additional pantry staples plus protein options to round out the menu. You’ll go home with a four- to six-serving feast!

I expect this classes to fill quickly, so head on over to the Tentiko website to sign up right away!

Newsletter – August 5, 2013


Dear Friends of the Farm,


This week you are getting Yukon Gold potatoes, Walla Walla onions, carrots, cucumbers, summer squash and, green peppers.  There is a possibility of getting green beans, corn, tomatoes, muskmelon, honeydew and watermelon.  There is no fruit for the fruit share this week. Continue reading