Monthly Archives: December 2015

Newsletter – December 14, 2015


This week everyone will receive two bags instead of one. We will be skipping the week between Christmas & New Years and will resume deliveries on January 13th.

Produce will include:

Bag 1: Butternut squash, sweet potatoes, leeks, yukon gold potatoes, red beets, carrots, green cabbage, yellow onions, garlic.

Bag 2: Butternut squash, sweet potatoes, leeks, yukon gold potatoes, carrots, red cabbage, parsnips, celery root, yellow onions and garlic.

There will be one bag of blue popcorn and black beans also
included as part of the share.

Happy holidays!
Jacquie Monroe

Newsletter – December 1, 2015


This week you are getting:  acorn squash, sweet potatoes (orange & white flesh), leeks, Yukon Gold potatoes, golden beets,  orange carrots, green cabbage, yellow and red onions, garlic, Anasazi dried beans and lettuce.

How to store your winter produce:  Cold temperatures convert potatoes into starch.  Place in a paper bag or cardboard box in a cool, dark place.  (Sunlight turns potatoes green!)  Onions need air circulation to stay fresh.  Keep in a mesh bag and hang or place in a cardboard box in a dark area (not the same box as potatoes, the onions can make them rot!).   Carrots, beets & parsnips like to be washed, celery unwashed and placed in a plastic zippered bag and kept in the crisper drawer.  Sweet potatoes & squash like to be kept on the kitchen counter or with your potatoes.  Cabbage likes to be kept in the crisper drawer or back of fridge with no covering.  Garlic wants to be in your cabinet with your dried beans.

Hope everyone had a fantastic Thanksgiving!!

Jacquie, Jerry and family