Author Archives: Gretchen

Newsletter – June 12, 2023

NOTE: This blog is posted by a volunteer. No one from the farm checks or responds to messages here. You must contact the farm directly with any questions, comments, etc. Please also note that it is not possible to only receive summer share newsletters.

Dear Friends of the Farm,

Welcome to our first week of CSA distribution! Although we have been dealing with a ton of weather this spring, the farm is finally starting to look like it’s June. We have been talking about how important listening to our instincts has been in decision making this year. When to plant and when to water has been so much more challenging with all the storms. However, the greens have been loving all the moisture and we are thrilled to already be producing summer squash!

Produce: This week you are getting garlic, garlic scapes, summer squash, bok choy and head lettuce. This is a normal start to our season. In the coming weeks we are expecting to add peas, turnips, cucumbers, kale, chard, onions, carrots, beets, and more. Shares will start out small and gradually gain momentum as more and more vegetables come into season. Each week new crops will be added, and your bags will have a wonderful assortment of produce before you know it!

It is very important that you return all your bags every week! Food safety is important to everyone. Please take care of your bag and make sure animals do not lay on it, it’s not left lying on the floor of your car where people can step on it and please remove all food debris before returning to your distribution center.

It is a good plan to pre-wash produce outside to get most of the soil off in your yard (or an extra-large bowl set in your kitchen sink) and not down your drainpipes. Children may especially love this task. Getting your kids involved in the pre-prep work, talking about the produce & asking them what they want to eat may help get them motivated to try different varieties.

Your Distribution Center: We ask that you have patience and be respectful in any interactions with your Distribution Center. Our amazing members who run distribution centers have offered to allow people to pick up shares from their home. The result is that we can have a CSA program that is convenient for everyone. Distribution Centers may have up to 40 members to keep track of. Please respect their hours. If you need to pick up at a different time than usual or have forgotten to pick up during normal hours, please call and make new arrangements; do not show up after hours without prior communication. Distribution centers will hold produce for 24 hours. If there is no contact from you within that time period, the produce will be donated to a place of need, that includes your fruit. We encourage CSA members to donate their produce when going on vacation. If you plan on having someone pick up your share for you while you are gone, your DC will need their name and phone number. This gives them permission to hand out a share to someone other than yourself and it gives them a contact number if someone forgets to pick up. Ask your DC questions! They are a wealth of information and will help you use your share. Consider getting our cookbook. There are ten recipes for every veggie we grow. Check to see if your DC has a veggie exchange box.

4th of July: This holiday falls on a Tuesday. Any member who receives their share on Tuesdays will be affected. All Tuesday distribution centers will instead receive their share on that Monday, July 3rd. Everyone who picks up on Wednesdays and Thursdays will have no change to their schedule.

Your Expectations and Us: Joining us in CSA involves sharing the risk of farming with us. Mother Nature doesn’t cooperate with our plans often. Remember that sometimes produce looks pristine in grocery stores because it’s been waxed, irradiated, sprayed with fungicide, or all the “imperfect” items have been discarded. This results in tons of unnecessary food waste and a lot of strange things being done to food. If an item has a safe imperfection, we give it out to you! We never treat any produce with anything other than love. We often grow varieties for their taste, not necessarily for their beauty. If there is an abundance of produce, you will get it. If there is a shortage of produce, you will see that too. Along with rain we sometimes get hail. Don’t be surprised if you get produce with scabs from the damage this causes. We work very hard to catch produce that is badly bruised. Occasionally, we miss something. We apologize ahead of time and will do our best to make it up to you if needed. Our intent is to get you the best of the best always picked fresh. We prioritize our CSA membership above all other outlets such as farmers markets. We love what we do and care deeply about the grounds we live on, the food we produce here and the people who eat off this land AKA you!

Statements: We will send statements each month. For those of you who did not pay in full at the time you joined the farm, your first produce payment (including fruit, oil, honey & eggs) is due July 1st. You may pay these fees in full or in half and the other half will be due by September 1st. If you are paying monthly, then continue making the agreed upon scheduled payments.

First Year Members: Allow for an adjustment period as you figure out how to incorporate your share into your life. You will need time to process your produce by sorting and washing. If you are willing to put up with the soil, don’t wash veggies until you are ready to use them. This will help everything last longer. Produce breaks down as soon as it gets wet. You can avoid getting soil in your fridge by bagging things. The more tender a crop is, the sooner it will need to be eaten, i.e. greens, summer squash, peas, beans, broccoli, cantaloupe, cucumbers, and tomatoes. You can revive almost anything with an hour soak in cold water! Potatoes even become more nutritious if soaked for a few hours in cool water before cooking. We will dish out more tips on storage and prep as we go through the summer.

Newsletters: To receive a direct email with our weekly newsletter, head to the homepage of, scroll to the bottom of the page, enter your information, and subscribe. Please notify your DC if you prefer to get a hard copy at the distribution site. It is important to read your newsletters because they will inform you about everything in your share, plus recipes and tips. We will also notify you in the newsletter of bonus you-pick days and other events that may directly affect you or the food you’re receiving plus any farm happenings. Don’t forget to check out our Facebook or Instagram for pictures and videos. Please continue to contact us through the office by email or phone if you have any concerns rather than social media DMs.

How to contact us: The best way to reach us is by phone. We are very good at answering phone calls. However, you can email us if you do not need an immediate response. As the summer gets busier it can take us up to a few days to return an email. If you need to make a change in your share or DC, please call us. We pick veggies on Monday for Tuesday, Tuesday for Wednesday and Wednesday for Thursday. Keep this in mind if you want to make a change. Whenever you call about your share, especially if needing to make changes, always identify your Distribution Center!

Thank you: Welcome to the 2023 farming season with Monroe Organic Farms. We hope you enjoy eating with us. The beginning of CSA is always so exciting! This week’s share is just a sample of what is to come. Our family is looking forward to sharing a fantastic summer with you. Thank you for giving us this opportunity to be your farmers!

With gratitude,

Kyle, Sam, Jerry, Jacquie, Linda and The Crew

Newsletter – June 6, 2023

NOTE: This blog is posted by a volunteer. No one from the farm checks or responds to messages here. You must contact the farm directly with any questions, comments, etc. Please also note that it is not possible to only receive summer share newsletters.


Our first days of distribution will be June 13, 14 and 15. Your distribution center will contact you with all necessary information including which day you pick up.

Questions? Call the office at 970.284.7941 or email

Please direct all questions to the office!

We are so thrilled to have you with us this growing season. Here’s to fresh veggies and a bag that keeps getting larger and larger each week! We know the first week can seem slim but we will get you all the deliciousness that you deserve! Follow along on social media by visiting Facebook and Instagram.

Be sure to subscribe to our emails (this is separate from the blog notifications and is how you will now receive the newsletter) via the homepage of our website. Just scroll to the bottom to sign up!

**  Please do not reply or respond to this post as we do not receive your messages.  This is posted by a CSA member.  ** 

Newsletter – April 19, 2023

NOTE: This blog is posted by a volunteer. No one from the farm checks or responds to messages here. You must contact the farm directly with any questions, comments, etc. Please also note that it is not possible to only receive summer share newsletters.

Dear Farm Friends,

Happy April!  If you have not already done so, you may want to join the farm right now.  We are filling at a rate that could have us filled up sooner than later.  The farm is now in full swing.  We are starting so many seeds.  All of our employees are working full days.  This time of year can be part winter, part spring.  Some days are warm and some days it snows.  We are here for all of it!  It can be really frustrating to plan around the weather as a farmer.  The weather is one of our largest obstacles.  Rain, shine, hail, tornados, whatever gets thrown at us, we manage to grow food through all of it.  Follow along with us on social media @monroeorganicfarm .

*New* Arvada Distribution Center:  We have added a new Distribution Center in Arvada at West Ridge Road & Kipling.  For those of you who previously picked up at Wheat Ridge, in Golden, or off of Simms, please consider checking out this new location as it may be more convenient for you.  Always feel free to call Linda in the office to discuss your options.  We love to hear from you.

Wheat Ridge Distribution Center:  We are now full at our Wheat Ridge DC. 

Farmers Market:  We had an awesome first couple Saturdays at Boulder Farmers Market.  We are now popping our popcorn there!  We will be attending City Park Farmers Market at the City Park Esplanade in Denver each Saturday starting May 13th.  Come see us!  We love to see our members at market! Our market offering currently include: seedlings for your garden, storage potatoes, cabbage, onions, & garlic, plus popcorn both popped and unpopped.

Our Giveaway: Thank you to all who participated and signed up early!  You were all entered to win a free quarter share.  Congratulations to our winners, Alicia & Mark. 

Moving away from the blog, to MailChimp:  Please subscribe to our MailChimp on our website !  If you got an email about our giveaway, we automatically subscribed you.  We hope to get our newsletters and all communications out into the world and into your hands via MailChimp.  Eventually, we will go totally paper free and our newsletter will only be available via MailChimp. 

Zelle payments: Please contact the office if you are sending payments through Zelle and the name on your bank account is different than the name of your farm account.  We unfortunately can’t see if you have inserted a memo on your payment on our end.

Tell your friends about us: Email us for information packets about the farm if you have any interested friends or family.

Asparagus:  Don’t forget to call or email the office to put your name on the wait-list for you-pick asparagus!  We need to know your name, phone number, and if you’re available to pick weekends, weekdays, or both!  If you can, sign up for the weekdays as the majority of members are signing up for weekends.  We like to spread everyone out so picking groups are not too big.  We do not know yet when the asparagus will be ready.  It can grow up to 6 inches overnight.  So far, nothing has sprouted through the dirt.  

“Our ability to perceive quality in nature begins, as in art, with the pretty. It expands through successive stages of the beautiful to values as yet uncaptured by language.” -Aldo Leopold

 Thank you!  Kyle, Sam, Jacquie, & Jerry

**  Please do not reply or respond to this post as we do not receive your messages.  This is posted by a CSA member.  ** 

New Distribution Center!

NOTE: This blog is posted by a volunteer. No one from the farm checks or responds to messages here. You must contact the farm directly with any questions, comments, etc. Please also note that it is not possible to only receive summer share newsletters.

Hello Friends of the Farm!  

We have added another Distribution Center today.  It is located on the Wheat Ridge/Arvada border near I-70 and Kipling.  If you have already signed up and would like to switch to this Arvada DC, please email or call the office at 970-284-7941.   

**  Please do not reply back to this blog or leave comments.  The blog posts are done by a volunteer member of the farm.  The blog is not checked by anyone at the farm. **

Hope you all have a great weekend!

Kyle, Sam, Jacquie & Jerry

Newsletter – March 29, 2023

NOTE: This blog is posted by a volunteer. No one from the farm checks or responds to messages here. You must contact the farm directly with any questions, comments, etc. Please also note that it is not possible to only receive summer share newsletters.

Hello Friends of the Farm!

Hope everyone is doing well and surviving this spring/winter weather!  We all have been busy here at the farm.  We’ve been planning, planting (when the weather permits) and getting all our ducks in their respective rows for the upcoming summer season.  Please keep your fingers crossed for a great spring for us and for very plentiful, healthy summer crops to produce lots of great yummies for everyone!  

Just a couple quick updates for you all.

Sweepstakes:  You all have probably seen we have a sweepstakes going for a FREE Quarter Share.  Everyone that has signed up already for a summer share has been automatically entered for this drawing!  You do not need to do ANYTHING!  We will be picking the lucky winner Saturday April 8th.  

Eggs:  We are completely sold out of eggs now.  We have reached the maximum number of eggs that Croft Family Farm is able to designate to us for the summer season.  They were very generous to our members by only raising the price of eggs from $7.00 a dozen to $7.50 a dozen.  

Distribution Centers:  The Wheat Ridge Distribution Center that is off of 26th and Sheridan is almost completely full.  Right along with that one, the DC that we call Simms which is off of 26th and Simms, is almost full as well.  If you have not signed up yet for either of these DC’s and one of them is your 1st choice, please list what your 2nd choice is.  The other Distribution Centers still have spots available for you to sign up for.  

Asparagus:  We are still making a list for members who would like to come pick asparagus and take home. YOU MUST CONTACT THE FARM DIRECTLY TO SIGN UP – MESSAGES LEFT ON THE BLOG OR SOCIAL MEDIA ARE NOT CHECKED BY THE FARM. When we meet to pick asparagus, we like for you to be here at the farm about 7:45 a.m.  There is only 1 restroom that is available.  We know most of you will be driving about an hour or so to get here, so we will need to get everyone through that restroom before we head out to the field.  We know that is early for most of you.  We try to get to the field right after 8:00 and hope to be done before the heat starts taking a toll on everyone.  (Hard to imagine that kind of heat right now!)  We will provide more details when it is close to picking time!  If you would like to sign up, you can either email the farm at or you can call the office at 970-284-7941.  We will need a good phone number, when you are available to come – weekdays, weekends only, or if it doesn’t matter. 

Also, just a heads up that Linda will be taking home the list of members that would be coming out the next day to pick.  If for some reason, we would need to cancel the day we planned, she will be calling you first thing in the morning after 6:00 am to let you know before you need to leave your house and start the trip here.  If we know we will need to cancel a day or so in advance, of course she won’t be calling you 6:00 the same day!  (ONLY if you need her to give you a wake up call!! HaHa!) If you are scheduled to come, please watch for an email, an update on the blog, a phone call from the office or a phone call from Linda’s phone that ends with 5848 for any updated information.  

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Wishing everyone a wonderful last week of March!  Take care and HAPPY SPRING!

Farm Jokes 

What new crop is Kyle planting this year?   Beets me!

Why did the cabbage win the race?  Because it was ahead!

Why did the farmer bury his money in the feild?  He wanted to make his soil rich.

Kyle has started to make yachts to sell in the barn….  Sails are going through the roof.

Have a great week,

Kyle, Sam, Jacquie & Jerry

Newsletter – March 13, 2023

NOTE: This blog is posted by a volunteer. No one from the farm checks or responds to messages here. You must contact the farm directly with any questions, comments, etc. Please also note that it is not possible to only receive summer share newsletters.

Dear Farm Friends,

We hope this newsletter finds you all well nourished and ready for Spring! We have been eyeing our gardens for bulbs just beginning to peek out at us and the crocus are already coming. We’re now able to cultivate our fields and ready them for planting. We’re heating our hoop houses and starting seeds. We are working to expand our hoophouse spaces and we’re very excited about that!

NOTICE: We have received a payment from Terralta LLC. We are unsure whose account this is for. Please contact the office by phone or email to let us know which account to apply this payment to! *Remember if you’re paying from a name or company that isn’t listed on your membership to note on your payments to which account your payment should be applied to.*

March Munchies: This is the time of year we really start to crave fresh vegetables. We are so pleased to have already filled up half of our available CSA shares! Now is a fantastic time to contact us and secure your spot for summer. Online sign up is an easy option. We also have a good amount of beef, lamb, and pork shares still available. Our meat shares tend to sell out quickly. If you want a full freezer come fall/winter don’t sleep on reserving those.

Well travelled vegetables?! Produce from our farm is traveling less than 70 miles to our farthest Distribution Center. In contrast, each vegetable from the store travels over 1,500 miles on average. Around two-thirds of fresh fruit and around one-third of fresh vegetables in the U.S. are imported from thousands of miles away. They are brought in from mostly Mexico and South and Central America not to mention trucked in from all over the U.S. You vote with every dollar you spend. By joining a CSA farm you are supporting your local farmer and your local economy! It’s a huge move that helps the environment, nurtures community, and allows you to take advantage of our expertise. We want to help you learn what it takes to grow real food and what to do with everything that we grow. There are so many good reasons to join a CSA farm!

Egg update: By the time you read this we may be sold out of eggs. However, we have a few spots left right now. Call the office to inquire.

Mushroom Add-on Notes: Mushrooms will be available during the 18 weeks of our summer CSA for $8.25 per ½ pound. You can choose to receive them either weekly for $148.50 total or biweekly for $74.25 total. Zach at Boulder Mushroom ( will be delivering to us multiple times a week to ensure ultra fresh fungi. Zach will offer whichever varities are in abundance at the time including oyster mushrooms (blue, black, white, pink, golden, and trumpet), Lions Mane, Shitake, Chestnut, and Piopinno. He will choose which mushrooms are given out each week.

Asparagus: We can begin taking names down for those of you who would like to come out to the farm to pick asparagus. Yay for you-pick member benefits! You-pick opportunities are a really awesome *free* membership perk. Asparagus can start anytime in April (depending on freezes) but usually begins by the end of the month. Picking will continue through May and possibly go into June. Take home is around five pounds per member. Our price at farmers market is $8 a pound. We believe it’s very worthwhile to come out, but you can do the math and decide. You must call the farm to sign up. We will need your name, phone number and whether or not you can come during the week or weekends only. We won’t call you back to verify that you are on the Wait List unless you forgot to give us the aforementioned info. We will call you when we see those beautiful heads of asparagus popping out of the soil and when your name reaches the top of the list. You will need your own container to take your harvest home in. Please be flexible! We do not have control of the weather and sometimes we will only be able to give you a two day heads up prior to picking.

Membership Reminders: If you need another sign-up form, please call the office at the number above (or email) to have one sent to you. If you need a payment plan, you will need to join the farm with a hard copy as payment plans are not available online. We are happy to work with you! We would rather have you as a member than for you to decide not to be a member because it is hard to pay the deposits. Call us and we can make a plan. This is a good time to inform friends, neighbors and co-workers we have openings available. If everyone tells one person about the farm, we will fill up in no time. We are able to email extra sign-up forms as needed. Feel free to post them in breakrooms, community boards or any other place you deem acceptable.

We love our CSA members! Many of you have become family to us over the years and we wouldn’t be here without you. Thank you!!!

“You can’t just eat good food. You’ve got to talk about it too. And you’ve got to talk about it to somebody who understands that kind of food.”—Kurt Vonnegut

With joy and gratitude,

Kyle, Sam, Jacquie & Jerry

Final Winter Newsletter & Farm Update

NOTE: This blog is posted by a volunteer. No one from the farm checks or responds to messages here. You must contact the farm directly with any questions, comments, etc. Please also note that it is not possible to only receive summer share newsletters.

Hello to all our Farm Friends!

Website:  The website is up and available to receive orders at We have updated most of the information, with just a little tweaking left to do.  

HONEY – We do have a new Honey vendor, Izzy’s Honey out of the Greeley area. They are offering all the same prices that we had last year. The only exception is that they do not offer 1/2 gallon sizes. If you have ordered that size, please reach out to Linda by phone to discuss your options. The office number is 970-284-7941 and office hours are 7am to 4pm.  

A little more about IZZY’S HONEY ~ David’s relationship with bees started when he was a young. He was a curious boy often dreaming about bees & their lives. He has been working with bees since he was 19 and it has spanned more than half of his life. During the pandemic, he started removing hives from peoples’ homes and gradually acquired several hives. He was able to sell the honey they produced at local farmers markets. Currently in his fourth year, he never expected to be a commercial beekeeper. Izzy’s Honey is located in the Greeley area. He has hives from Brighton to the Colorado/Wyoming border.

Mushrooms ~ New and exciting this year! After a trial last summer, we are offering mushrooms this year as an add-on. The mushrooms are available in 1/2 pound packages/bags at $8.25. They are available weekly (18 deliveries, total of 9 pounds for the season) or biweekly (9 deliveries, total of 4 1/2 pounds for the season). The total price for biweekly deliveries is $74.25 and $148.50 for weekly. These mushrooms are not the common kind as you would see in the grocery stores. As with all CSA items, you are not able to choose what kind of mushrooms you would like. They will deliver the variety they have harvested that week.  Check out their website at for more information on their varieties.  

More about Boulder Mushroom ~ Boulder Mushroom is a farm (and the center for all things fungi) located in Boulder, Colorado. They cultivate a wide variety of high quality culinary mushrooms for customers across the Front Range. Their mushrooms are recognized for their great flavor, texture and beauty.  They prioritize sustainability in their business and are commited to serving the community with superior, local food grown with natural ingredients. Varieties you could see are Oyster Mushroom (blue, black, white, pink, golden and trumpet), Lion’s Mane, Shitake, Chestnut and Piopinno. Varieties will change throughout the season. If you would like to add mushrooms please contact the office by either email to or give the office a call.  

Newsletters:   We will be mailing out February newsletters to everyone. Included in the envelopes will be another signup form with a declaration. If you have already sent your order in, you may give this extra one to a friend or co-worker.  The first page we send in the envelope is a statement. We use these statements so your name and address show in the window part.  (sure is faster than to hand write each individual name and address on every envelope.) If you have a $0 balance, or a payment that you sent does not show up on the statement, please disregard the statement. Payments are not necessarily processed when your order is processed.  

Signups:  We are still taking and processing orders for the coming summer distribution. We are almost to the maximum of egg orders we can take. If you would like to order eggs either weekly, biweekly or monthly, please let us know as soon as you can so we can put you on the list.  

Winter Distribution:  This week is the last week for winter distribution. Thank you to all of you that signed up! We hope you have enjoyed all the goodies! This week you will be getting potatoes, beets, leeks, daikon radishes, all 3 colors of onions, garlic, beans and popcorn.

Please if you ever have any questions, concerns or suggestions, let us know. As always, we are extremely grateful for each and everyone of you! Wishing you all a great rest of the month!

The Monroes and crew 

Newsletter – February 7, 2023

NOTE: This blog is posted by a volunteer. No one from the farm checks or responds to messages here. You must contact the farm directly with any questions, comments, etc. Please also note that it is not possible to only receive summer share newsletters.

This week is #7 of 8 distributions for the winter season.  You should be gettting Yukon potatoes, beets, celery root, leeks, green and red cabbage, red, white and yellow onions, garlic, black beans and blue popcorn.  

Honey:   We do have a honey vendor.  We are able to keep the same prices that we had last year for the same sizes.  There is one exception though – due to the supply chain, we are not able to offer the half gallon size. For those of you that have already ordered the half gallon size, Linda will be contacting you on what you would like to do. You could change that to 2 Quarts which equals a half gallon. The price would be equal to paying for 2 quarts. Each quart is $17 where we were hoping to offer the half gallon size for $31. You may contact the office if you like or wait for Linda to contact you.  

Eggs: As mentioned in the last newsletter, eggs will be $7.50 per dozen instead of $7.00 per dozen. We were notified by Croft Family Farm of the price increase after the signup forms were printed and mailed out.  

Payments & Deposits: Deposits are due at your signup time. Payments are highly encouraged throughout the spring. Your total balance is due before September 1st for any produce shares or any extras. This does not include the fees for Winter Shares or any meat you purchase.

Animals: The fee you pay us for an animal is for us to raise that animal and transport it to Valley Packing in LaSalle when it is ready for processing. Valley Packing does have their own processing fee on top of what you pay us to raise that animal. Their fees are based on the weight of the animal and how it is processed.  (Just a reminder)

Website: We do not have the website open to take orders yet. We are behind on having that up and running. We are still updating different things on there. If you or you know of someone who is trying to sign up, please have them email the office or call. We can email or mail out a signup form. We hope to have the website up and open by Monday of next week.

We are all busy here on the farm with planning, lining things up, preparing for spring and office work. We hope you all are doing well!

Take care!

The Monroes and crew